Provisioning by QR Code

Application mode

In application mode (no QR-code-based enrollment, limited features), Junmdm is compatible with most Android devices running Android Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) or higher.

Some plugins may not work on earlier Android versions (prior to Android 5.0 Lollipop).


MDM mode

QR-code-based enrollment was first introduced in Android Nougat (7.0). Therefore, Junmdm is compatible with most Android devices running Android Nougat or higher.

By using NFC-based or ADB-based enrollment, it should also be possible to install Junmdm on Android Marshmallow (6.0).

The system has been tested on the following Android builds:
  • Genuine Android (used by most devices)
  • Samsung Android
  • EMUI (a build used by Huawei)

To install Junmdm, it’s required to have a pre-installed QR code scanner on the device.

To check availability of a QR code enrollment, tap 6 times on a startup screen, i.e., on the “Hello” text. The device must open an enrollment UI.